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Couple de seniors caucasiens s'embrassant dans un parc

Financial Assistance for Home Care

Did you know that you are eligible for a number of financial assistance programs for home care? Did you know that any beneficiary aged 70 or over is entitled to a 37% tax credit on all services provided by Soins à la maison? Read this page to find out more about the financial assistance available to you for home care. You can also contact us by phone or email for more information on financial assistance. Our team can give you all the details.

Tax Credit for Home-Support Services for Seniors

The home care tax credit for seniors is a financial assistance program offered by the Quebec government to help seniors remain in the comfort of their current living environment for as long as possible, by reimbursing a portion of necessary services such as home care and health maintenance services. This financial assistance makes it easier for seniors to remain in the comfort of their own homes while benefiting from the care and services they need. At Soins à la maison, we can help you and answer any questions you may have about applying for advance payments. A refund of up to 37% of your expenses can be paid into your account on a regular basis, with ease!

Infirmières assistant des personnes âgées dans une maison de retraite
Les seniors et la conseillère fiscale parlent du contrat

Employment Service Paycheque

If you are eligible for the employment service paycheque program, you can use it at Soins à la Maison to obtain a reduced rate.

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