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Le professeur de Pilates aide une femme âgée à s'étirer sur le ballon d'exercice

Home Physiotherapy Sessions in Montreal and Surrounding Areas

Physiotherapy involves developing and implementing a program for physical rehabilitation. At Soins à la maison, your provider of home care services for the Quebec community, our experienced multidisciplinary team includes physiotherapists who can provide physiotherapy sessions in the comfort of your own home. The physiotherapist will conduct an assessment at your home for exercises and strengthening techniques. They will evaluate the causes and functional impairments through specific tests and propose a personalized follow-up schedule.


Don't hesitate any longer and contact us to take advantage of our home physiotherapy service provided by our highly skilled physiotherapist, whether it's for yourself or your loved one! We offer our services in the Greater Montreal area, including Laval, the North Shore, and the South Shore, in order to reach as many individuals in the community with our home care services. You can reach us by phone or email. Feel free to contact us if you would like more information about our physiotherapy service. We will be happy to respond to you promptly..

Nursing Podiatry at Home

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